January 31, 2013

January Wrap Up

My reading goal for 2013 is to read 52 books, so basically a book a week. I honestly have no idea how I managed to read all these books, especially with the start of school. But I'm very proud of myself for doing as well as I did. Starting the year off strong.

Books read this month:
1. Midnight Predator by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
2. Hopeless by Collen Hoover
3. Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert
4. Seducing Cinderella by Gina L. Maxwell
5. Game for Marriage by Karen Erickson
6. Vanilla on Top by C.J. Ellison
7. Fallen by Lauren Kate
8. Easy by Tammara Webber
9. Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
10. The Wedding of Antanasia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valeriu Valdescu by Beth Fantaskey

Easy by Tammara Webber, easily takes the spot of my most enjoyed book of the month, with Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert coming in as a close second.

I started the month of with a vampire short story and ended it with vampires, however the majority of the month consisted of brazen/erotic novels and new adult contemporaries. I didn't read any terrible books, and while I wasn't the biggest fan of all of them (*cough* Fallen *cough*), I can't say any of them were terrible, and I didn't put any of them down either, so in all a pretty good solid month.

Let me know what you read the month and if you read any of the books I did, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Off to start February, happy reading!
V xx

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